Law Blog

Late payments – what you need to know

Anyone involved in a business providing goods or services on a credit basis is likely to deal with late payment from time-to-time. It is important that you deal with late payment promptly and effectively, in order to give you the best chance of recovering the payment owed. Our highly-respected Commercial Litigation team can review matters in detail and advise you on a practical, commercial way forward.

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Shareholders’ Agreements – what you need to know

It is always sensible for the shareholders in a company to enter into a Shareholders’ Agreement whilst the relationships are positive – that is the time where you are most likely to come to an agreement. If you wait until the relationship has soured, then disputes can get significantly messier. We have wide-ranging experience of drafting all kinds of Shareholders’ Agreements – from two person start-ups, to international joint ventures between large corporate shareholders.

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Revenge Porn

If someone has shared private, sexual materials of another person without their consent and with the purpose of causing embarrassment or distress, that person may be guilty of a criminal offence.

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