Chrystal Theofanous

Chrystal is Head of the Family Emergency Team and handles cases involving Domestic Abuse, International Child Abduction and Childrens Services.

Domestic Abuse

Chrystal is passionate about working with families who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse. She works efficiently to ensure that the abused person is as protected as possible. She or a member of her team endeavour to see clients within 24 hours of their initial call to the office. Where an injunction such as a Non-molestation Order or Occupation Order is required to protect a client from their abuser then Chrystal will ensure that their papers are prepared for court and an application is made so that they are protected from being further abused. Legal Aid is available for victims of domestic abuse.

International Child Abduction

Chrystal is also an accredited specialist in International Child Abduction. She is one of only two solicitors in Lincolnshire who have this accreditation and joins only two more in the whole of the East Midlands. It is an incredibly complex ares of law and requires intensive training and in-depth knowledge.

Cases involving the abduction of children have to be dealt with very quickly. Chrystal works with the top London barristers to ensure application to the High Court are made very quickly.

When a child is abducted outside of the UK or is wrongfully retained in the UK, Chrystal will take your case on and complete all the necessary documentation ready to proceed with an application to the court. Legal Aid is available if you are the 'left behind' parent.

Chrystal also acts for parents who have been accused of child abduction and have been served with an application to attend court.

Cases involving Children’s Services

Chrystal also specialises in Care Proceedings and where a parent is experiencing difficulties with social services. She will provide you with legal advice and support about what you need to do. This will include from when your children are first placed on a Child Protection Plan, Pre-Proceedings meetings and when the Local Authority issue Care Proceedings to go to court.

Chrystal acts for parents who have been accused of neglecting their children and are accused of causing injuries to their children. She also represents children and guardians who are appointed to act for children in family cases.

Chrystal also acts for parents in Private Law Children’s cases including arrangements made for children on divorce or separation (previously known as Residence and Contact cases).

One of Chrystal's career highlights was when she successfully judicially reviewed a local authority when they removed the children from their grandparents without the court’s consent.

Chrystal is a member of the Law Society Children’s Panel. She is also accredited by Resolution in International Child Abduction and Domestic Abuse.

Chrystal has worked on some very complex, Reported Cases as follows:

Approved Judgment (International Child Abduction) Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWHC 1778 (09 July 2024)

Approved Judgment (Care Proceedings) Revocation of a Placement Order [2023] EWCA Civ 1352 (17 November 2023)

Approved Judgment (Care Proceedings) Neutral Citation number: [2023] EWFC 144 (8 August 2023)

Approved Judgment (Care Proceedings) A Local Authority v M & F (30 June 2023)

Approved Judgment (Care Proceedings) S, Re (A Child) (Abduction: Article 13(b): Mental Health) [2023] EWCA Civ 208 (28 February 2023)

Approved Judgment (Care Proceedings) S, Re (Children: Party Status) [2022] EWCA Civ 1717 (22 December 2022) 

Approved Judgment (Non-accidental Injury) A Local Authority v AA & Anor [2022] EWHC 2321 (Fam) (25 July 2022)

Child Arrangements (No return to Latvia) Oct 2021 Judgment ES v LS FD21P00296

Care Proceedings [Aug 2021] Re Z Special Guardianship Competing Placements no 2.

Care Proceedings [July 2021] Re Z Special Guardianship Competing Placements 2021

Care Proceedings C (A Child: Adoption) [2020] EWFC 66

Care Proceedings (Interim Separation) C (A Child) [2019] EWCA Civ 1998

Care Proceedings (Non–accidental Injury) [2019]

Care Proceedings Re G (a fair Hearing) [2019]

Care Proceedings (Judicial Review of Local Authority decision to remove children)

Care Proceedings [2019] Court of Appeal – 18th November 2019. Approved Judgment: Interim Separation

Child Arrangements (Permission to Vaccinate) In the matter of (M and N) [2017] EWFC 49 

International Child Abduction (Return to Spain) AX v CY [2020] EWHC 1599 (Fam)

International Child Abduction (No return to Germany) [2020] EWCA Civ 1105

International Child Abduction (Child Objections to return to Hungary) B v P [2017] EWHC 3577 (FAM)1

International Child Abduction (No return to Spain) CH v GLS [2019] ALL ER (D) 41 (Oct) 

Final Judgment (Care Proceedings) Psychological Parent Placement

Legal 500 Testimonials

‘The public law team - and in particular Chrystal Theofanous are exceptional. They work so hard in the best interests of their clients and have an amazing level of compassion too. They are always willing to properly challenge the local authority and the Guardian when appropriate to get the very best levels of engagement and results.’

‘Chrystal Theofanous is a vigorous, enthusiastic champion of parents, especially young mothers and fathers. Very hard-working and down to earth.’

 Leading Individual 2025 - The Legal 500



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