Law Blog

Parental Responsibility

In any dispute involving a child the starting point is Parental Responsibility. This term describes who in a child’s life has the legal right to make decisions about their welfare and upbringing and can cover making decisions such as which school they attend to giving consent for medical treatment.

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Traffic Noise Blight Householders Win £125,000 Compensation

It is often thought that if a planning decision with which you are unhappy goes ahead and the development takes place, you must simply grin and bear it. This is not always the case. For example, if public construction works have an impact on the value of your home, you should take specialist legal advice to ensure that you are properly compensated for your loss.

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Sixteen Old Enough to Banish Parental Knowledge

The respective rights of children and their parents has long been a tricky subject for the courts. A recent case on this topic involved a couple's adopted 16-year-old child, who was born female but wished to change gender and attended the Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic. He changed his name to a male name by deed poll.

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'Know Your Client' Failure Costs Firm

Although clients often regard as a nuisance the extensive 'know your client' procedures that are required by financial institutions and professional firms, the importance of strict adherence is clear, as a recent case involving a property fraud illustrates.

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