Christmas is a special time for families and is different for every family with our own traditions and quirks. It can, however, often be a point of disagreement for separated parents and is understandably a difficult part of the separation.
When parents separate, it is for them to agree the living arrangements for their children. Whether that be a shared care arrangement or one predominant carer with the children spending regular time with the non-resident parent. Like Christmas, what is best for the children will be different for each family.
Special occasions also need to be considered including school holidays, birthdays and Christmas. Some families alternate the arrangements, some will share the day itself and some prefer set days each year. What’s important is that parents try to reach an agreement as soon as possible to ensure all are able to enjoy what should be a special time of the year.
If an agreement is not reached, it may be necessary for parents to attend mediation or instruct solicitors to negotiate on their behalf. If this is unsuccessful, you may need to apply to the court which should be a last resort.
We offer fixed fee Preliminary Advice Meetings for £210 + VAT for divorce and children matters and £200 + VAT for child only matters. This includes an initial consultation for up to 1 hour where one of our specialist solicitors will advise you, taking into consideration your personal circumstances and you will also receive written advice following the appointment. Please note that Legal Aid may be available in some circumstances and we can advise on whether or not you may be eligible at the time of your enquiry.
If you find yourself in difficulties around arrangements for your children post separation, please seek legal advice at your earliest opportunity.
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