There is always something new to learn concerning legislation and case-law in this difficult area even though you may have been practising for many years. This course is an update covering any particular hot topics at the current time.
This course is specifically designed for practitioners who are familiar with this aspect of criminal work and who are therefore called upon to give advice on the more serious matters under investigation at the police station.
More details to follow...
Speakers Details
Colin Beaumont, Barrister (retired), trainer with more than 35 years’ experience and former Consultant to a large Legal Aid practice covering the Thames Valley, Surrey and London police areas. Formerly a partner within the firm, Colin initially qualified as a Barrister in 1982 and spent many years in the Courts service before re-qualifying as a Solicitor in 1996 and retiring in 2016. He returning to the bar as a non-practicing Barrister. Colin presents his subjects in a highly practical and digestible manner and is a popular speaker on Criminal / Billing matters.